Weekend Course

Service Selection Board

SSB stands for Service Selection Board, which is an organization that assesses candidates for the Indian Armed Forces. The SSB is responsible for selecting candidates for the Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, and Indian Territorial Army.

NDA Foundation age eligibility from 1st Jan 2008 (or) +1 students (batch of this year)

The SSB evaluates candidates for their intelligence, personality, compatibility, and potential. The SSB also looks for officer-like qualities, such as:Effective reasoning and intelligence

Social adaptability and organizing skills
Sense of responsibility and cooperation
Effective leadership qualities
Positive attitude and self-confidence
Ability to handle pressure and stress
Teamwork and cooperation
Problem-solving skills
Effective communication

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401-E, 2nd Floor, Bhopal Complex, Crosscut Road, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore 641012

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